dutch design week

Dealing with plastic differently
Plastic is considered a cheap material, which is why we are quick to throw it away. With all its consequences. High time to look at and deal with plastic differently.
Designers play a crucial role in this necessary change.

rethinking plastic
From naturally dyed biotextiles to a 3D printed stool made from a mixture of raw materials from drinking water production and sewage treatment. And from acoustic panels to a study of materials that allow humans to live in balance with nature again with the outcome being packaging material based on algae. With Rethinking Plastic, Yksi Expo shows in a surprising and provocative way how we can look at and deal with plastic, the world’s most reviled material, differently. Save Living Foundation was at the Yski Expo for 3 years. Both with the green plant wall and the save cabin.
Save Living makes all kinds of products from recycled plastic. Even a plastic tiny house, luxurious and comfortable. The Save Cabin is a tiny house with a hook on the roof. The self-made plastic panels are made of the last bits of plastic waste that would otherwise be burned.